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先日書いたSimone Cristicchi(シモーネ・クリスティッキ)のアルバム紹介が、彼のファンBlogにとりあげられてました。

Tutto chiaro, no?



« 傘では通れません | トップページ | UNDERGROUND SEARCHLIE / スケキヨ »



Ciao Mao,I'm Simone's italian fan.
I've red your message in his site and i'm impressed that somebody in another state understand and appreciate him.
If you like italian singer I suggest to you Niccolò Fabi(he's a simone's friend and his songs are very deep.He's gorgeous!)his last album is "Novo Mesto".
I hope that you'll receive this message,unfortunately I don't understand japanese so I don't know where i must punch!:)
I hope to see you again in simone's site!Ciaoooooooooo

投稿: Barbara | 2006/04/29 22:29

Ciao Barbara, thank you for your comment.Yes, Simone's music are very good. It feels to me that his voice sometime sounds like Tito Schipa jr.'s. Tito jr. is one of the greatest Italian cantautore, I think.
I know Niccolo' Fabi, too. He is a son of Claudio Fabi, a famous music producer for PFM, isn't he? I have 2 cd's of him: "Il giardiniere" and "Sereno ad ovest". Well, I'll listen to his last album, too.

投稿: moa | 2006/04/30 11:26





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